Mokshda Jailkhani

A seeker seeking everything, every way.


Sun Sign


Three things people don’t know about you?

I have recently found out that aside from being a performing artist I can use my writing too to move people and make a difference in the world, I am a selective introvert/ambivert so i can go from being a mere piece of furniture in a conversation to the life of the party based on how close I feel to you, I find noisy children and teens particularly annoying.

What’s your greatest fear?

Losing one of the people from my very small circle of love. They are my whole world.

What is your greatest achievement?

Starting a journey of mental healing and well being after having been through extremely dark, dead-end places.

High point of your life?

Every time I manage to make someone truly happy

Low point of your life

Finding out that some of my closest people will never truly, fully accept some of my choices.

Which living person do you most admire?

M.S Dhoni, Beyonce Knowles

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

Bruce Banner aka The Hulk

Who is your favorite fictional villain?

Voldemort - Harry potter series

Who are your favorite authors?

Amish Tripathi Ashwin Sanghi J.K Rowling Ruskin Bond Whoever authored the Vedas

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

"Harry potter series, Many lives; many masters, The Krishna Key, The Rozabal line, The Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripathi "

Is there a book you love to reread?

Not really

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

Lagaan, The Avengers: Age of ultron, Aiyyaa, The Harry potter films, The intern, Madhumati

One Superpower you wish you had?

Elemental control

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

Can't wait to do all this again

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

I would love to live an entire life alongside the greats of the Mahabharata, be a part of that life, that culture, be that kind of strong, humble, divine and knowledgeable. So definitely pre Vedic - Vedic India .

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

Being a fast learner

When and where do you write ?

Anywhere the right thoughts strike. Coffee @ Starbucks seems to be a frequent companion, but honestly it could be at home, out in the car, anytime the thought consumes me.

Silence or music?

Can't live without either, it just has to be at the right time.

One phrase that you use most often?

I say "badhiya" / "बढ़िया" a lot, and most of the times i mean it sarcastically

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?

Thankfully none.

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

Those fun scoopwhoop listicles and quizzes

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

Being one myself, not really as of now, but i will say the first time nerves are exciting, so don't take them too seriously, enjoy them.

Mokshda Jailkhani is a 29- year-old, Delhi-based Psychology honours graduate from Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University, India. Born and brought up in a family of musicians, theatre artists, and philosophy hobbyists, it was during and after college that she started looking for ways to channelise her varied passions and talents to feed the fierce creative fire within, as knowing and being ""Just enough"" was never enough for her.
As a result, today she is an accomplished performing artist and content creator with a huge social media following, despite which she has chosen to start over from scratch, making new Social media accounts and getting to know her prospective readers at a personal level without using audience numbers that come from fickle fame.

Graduating with honours, being the most popular contestant on a dance reality show, struggling hard with mental and physical health, starting an obscure blog online, choreographing and directing dance and music, she has done it all, and all of this has turned her more and more into a seeker each day, asking questions, finding answers and striving to reach her fullest potential. Through her first book, she seeks to invite my readers onto this clueless yet beautiful seeking journey of hers.

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