Priya Narayanan


Sun Sign


Three things people don’t know about you?

I don’t share my chocolates with anyone, I hope to be a space tourist someday, I love to sleep and will do anything to break my own record of sleeping for a straight 14 hours as a kid.

What’s your greatest fear?

Nothing, really.

High point of your life?

Quite literally, climbing a tough pass in Ladakh -it was over 5400 meters high!

Low point of your life

I can answer this when I fulfil my dream of going deep-sea diving ????

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

Can’t think of any!

Who is your favorite fictional villain?

Napoleon, the Pig in Animal Farm

Who are your favorite authors?

That’s easy – Fyodor Dostoevsky and Orhan Pamuk

Is there a book you love to reread?

Not really. ‘Coz there are so many other books waiting to be read and I’m already running out of mortal time!!

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

Before Sunrise and The Bridges of Madison County left a deep impact on me at many levels. Otherwise, I can watch most movies by Gulzar over and over again!

One Superpower you wish you had?

Writing at the speed of my thoughts! or even better, just thinking of any food item and finding it on my dinner table within seconds!

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

Playing a musical instrument

Which book you wish you had written ?

Crime and Punishment

When and where do you write ?

Almost anywhere when I’m in the right frame of mind – on campus, at a coffee shop, in the library and of course, at my desk at home.

Silence or music?

Silence, mostly.

One phrase that you use most often?

It’s a word, not phrase – Bloody . . .and it has made me the butt of quite a few jokes at home!

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?

No, although I think I should make one up . . .just for fun.

What’s your guilty reading pleasure?

Whodunnits and Archies comics

Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

Read stuff that you would not normally think of writing about.

Priya Narayanan is a designer, writer, traveler and mother…. not necessarily in that order. When not practicing and teaching design, she likes to travel solo and read everything that comes her way. A poet and children’s author, she loves conjuring stories for her forever-at-war brats over many cups of coffee and chocolate chip ice cream. You can learn more about Priya on her website -

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