An engineer, a pilot, a mountain lover, a motorbiker and a writer when nothing else comes in the way.


Sun Sign


Three things people don’t know about you?

Air is my element ; Water is not ; Earth is a prison ; Fire frees me.

What’s your greatest fear?


What is your greatest achievement?

Surviving the odds.

High point of your life?

Every evening.

Low point of your life

Every morning.

Which living person do you most admire?

Elon Musk (Yes, it's controversial, I know...).

Who is your favorite fictional hero?

None. We need real heroes...

Who is your favorite fictional villain?

None. We have too many real villains...

Who are your favorite authors?

Isaac Asimov ; Fred Hoyle ; Andy Weir ; James Hilton ; CliveCussler ; Ben Bova.

What are your 5 favorite books of all time?

Savitri (Sri Aurobindo) ; Foundation's Edge (Asimov) ; Project Hail Mary (Weir) ; Lost Horizon (Hilton) ; Tales of the Grail (archaic authors).

Is there a book you love to reread?

Any among the favourites above. But after some time...

What are your 5 favorite movies of all time?

Blade Runner ; Andrei Roubiev ; Interstellar ; Meet Joe Black ; Melancholia.

One Superpower you wish you had?

Master of gravity.

Your epitaph would read? /Last line in your biography would be?

Forget me! / Forget him, but remember his worthy deeds...

If you had a time machine to take you back to any country and any time period, where would you choose to be for your childhood, adolosent , adult life and silver years?

In each case, I chose the present. For that's when we create the future on the foundation of he past.

If you could acquire any talent, what would it be?

Not envious of talents I don't have... The talents we have been given (or have acquired) are all we need for our mission, if we have one.

Which book you wish you had written ?

Lost Horizon (James Hilton)

When and where do you write ?

Anytime, anywhere the muse strikes. Traveling helps. And sometimes I wish we would still use typewriters: clic, clic, clac! Ding!

Silence or music?


One phrase that you use most often?

Once upon a time, there was...

Do you have a writing ritual / superstition?


What’s your guilty reading pleasure?


Do you have one sentence of advice for new writers?

I am a new writer; let's wait for a while!

JOEL KOECHLIN, born in France, has lived his entire adult life in India. Ever eager to embrace every aspect of life in a perpetual quest for personal development and progress, he is an engineer, a pilot, a motorcycle enthusiast, a mountain lover, and a freelance author.
An accomplished photographer, he has fostered an unwavering passion for the craft over several decades, encompassing a wide canvas of subjects, from architectural and corporate work, to travel and adventure. Writing articles for travel magazines has been part of the journey.
His co-authored book (for the photography) Beyond Asanas, is published by Penguin Random House. He has translated into French, Sri Aurobindo’s epic work Savitri, published on Amazon Kindle. The Sun-Eyed Children is his first novel.
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