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Poetry Writing Made Simple 1 Teacher’s Toolbox Series


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Sarika Singh

A writer, a poet, a mother of one, a speaker, an organiser, a teacher, a daughter and a sister.


Yes, indeed, everyone can be a poet! Poetry is not the elusive and impractical exercise most of us think. It is just a natural outlet of emotions, thoughts, experiences and more. This unique book is akin to attending a teaching resource workshop where the teacher-poet is enthusiastic to share his experience and learning about the inventive, writing process and skills of poetry. The straightforward and handy techniques used in this unpretentious book, bring out the natural poet in all of us. The volume offers tools, practice, and examples. Dotted with exercises, materials in this book are invaluable for classroom teaching. Who says children cannot be trained to write poetry? Sarika Singh’s well-structured, undemanding, encouraging and inspiring tutorial, is like a series of stepping stones for all those who have imagined putting pen to paper to articulate a sentiment. Goods teaching should demonstrate, not inform or advise. That principle in practise, is what makes this volume extraordinary. Poetry writing never seemed so simple!

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216 g




21 cm

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1942 Amsterdam Ave NY (212) 862-3680
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